Aspect oriented software development: an open/j and uml use cases introduction”


This presentation will describe the main problems present in traditional
software developmemnt paradig like Object Oriented and Structured: Tangling and
Scattering. Aspect Oriented Software Development allows to get almost a complete
modularity in Software development with the “Crosscutting concern”

The main objective of this speach is to give an introduction to the first
programming language adapted to use the Aspect Oriented paradigm, Aspect/J.
Currently, almost the programming lenguages are including Aspect Oriented
Approach: Aspect/Python, Aspect/.NET, Aspect/PHP and so on.
Aspect Oriented Paradigm, such as mentioned other paradigms, is possible to
apply it since early phases of software development cycle such as specification
requirements where the main goal would be to identify early Crosscutting
concern. An introduction to Use Cases UML application is presented to reach this

Expositor: Cristian Vidal Silva

Fecha: martes 24 de mayo 12:00 hrs.

Lugar: Aula Magna.

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